
Most famous writers

The most famous writer of all time is probably William Shakespeare. Also known as "The Bard", the 16th century writer's influence on the world literature has been so profound that his works are read...

4 Most Famous Writers That Went Through War - Veterans Today Some of the most famous writers in history got their inspiration to write amazing pieces from war zones. While some of their books were based on events leading to the war and during the war... 29 Famous Writers' Writing Rules Most writers have their own special "rules for writing," even if they don't talk about them. I find other writer's rules fascinating, even when I don't agree with them. A lot can be learned by reading about... 10 Famous Writers Who Don't Use Modern Tech to Create For most writers, a laptop is an essential tool, providing a space to create and save their masterpieces. But over the years, a number of famous faces have admitted they don't like using modern technology... How Famous Writers Deal With Writer's Block: Their Tips & Tricks

Meet Stephen King's corgi, "the Thing of Evil."

Most writers have their own special "rules for writing," even if they don't talk about them. I find other writer's rules fascinating, even when I don't agree with them. A lot can be learned by reading about... 10 Famous Writers Who Don't Use Modern Tech to Create For most writers, a laptop is an essential tool, providing a space to create and save their masterpieces. But over the years, a number of famous faces have admitted they don't like using modern technology... How Famous Writers Deal With Writer's Block: Their Tips & Tricks Nearly everyone—from the most minimally educated to the most academically accomplished—has Some writers deny the very existence of writer's block. Novelist Kathy Lette belittles the notion as... 10 Famous Writers' Houses Worth Visiting | Mental Floss

What better place to turn than to 10 famous writers on keeping a journal, whether it's for reasons of revenge, remembrance, or re-living the year's most important moments.

Coelho is one of the most popular authors in modern history. He had several moderately successful books published, but The Alchemist is one of the best-selling books of all time. It was published in 1987 and Coelho has followed up his success with a novel every couple years since then. Top 10 Best Selling Authors In The World 2019 | Trending

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The Top Ten Famous Authors Check out these famous writers and start reading (or re-reading) their greatest works! There are some authors with whom every writer should become acquainted. Many have long-ago shed "this... 100 Most Famous Writers Quiz - By jonesjeffum Can you name the 100 most famous writers according to MIT? Test your knowledge on this literature quiz to see how you do and compare your score to others. Quiz by jonesjeffum.

10 Most Widely Acclaimed Classic Writers

Rediscover your motivation with these inspirational quotes from famous writers - from Fyodor Dostoyevsky to Maya Angelou. The Daily Routine of 20 Famous Writers (and How You Can Use...) Read more to learn the daily habits of Maya Angelou, Stephen King and more... There's an interesting pattern in the daily routines of these famous writers. First, they all wake up relatively early... Top 10 Famous Writers in Modern China | MORE GREAT LISTS He also wrote many famous stories such as Diary of a Madman (1918) and Kong Yiji (1919). He is regarded as one of most widely read Chinese writers in the 20th century. The Top Ten Famous Authors

Famous Writers School book. Read 29 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Famous Writers School is composed of the letters and stories of three authors who are taking a...